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Just when you think you have decided everything, that you have finished with the choice of all the materials and elements necessary for your new bathroom, comes one last detail: the faucet.

And believe us, it’s not an issue that can be overlooked. The wrong choice can turn the bathroom of your dreams into the most uncomfortable place in your home.

5 tips for choosing and choosing the right faucets for your bathroom

To prevent this from happening to you, we offer a series of tips that we give to those who come to our store for advice. At Tubagua we have
a wide range of faucets for the bathroom.
but you have to know which one to choose according to your needs, style and type of sanitary ware. Read carefully:

  1. Do the math. There are as many prices as there are faucet models on the market, so if you don’t want to go over budget, calculate how many units you need and how much money you are willing to spend. Believe us, there is nothing better than setting yourself a limit.
  2. Calculate distances. First of all, it is necessary to measure. And not just the water pressure or the diameter of the intakes, but also the the distance between the faucet spigot in question and the sumpin the case of the washbasin. Why do we say this? Because if you choose a high spout faucet and your sink is almost flat (with hardly any depth) and wall-mounted or undercounter, you will get water splashing everywhere, which is uncomfortable and impractical. On the other hand, if you choose a faucet with a very short spout, you will not be able to wash comfortably. Keep this detail in mind when choosing the right model.
  3. Careful with the type of flow rate. Waterfall faucets, for example, are enormously beautiful, but have several drawbacks. For example, they do not allow the installation of aerators to reduce water consumption and the water does not come out under pressure. In addition, they cannot be regulated unless they include an option
    and splash more than other faucets, although there are some with systems that control this last point.
  4. Focus on quality. An inexpensive faucet can be more expensive over the months. If it scratches easily, deteriorates due to the effect of limescale or tends to lose water, we will have to replace it with another one.
  5. And also for innovation. There are more and more models on the market with technology designed to reduce water and energy consumption. Smart faucets that memorize the ideal water temperatureto obtain it in a matter of seconds, and that work with touchlees systems.
    systems, to avoid unnecessary water waste and improve hygiene.
  6. Seek professional adviceespecially if you are going to opt for wall-mounted models or the latest trendy finishes. A group of experts will always be able to advise you on the possibilities of installing one faucet or another in the bathroom, as well as the performance of certain materials and the latest generation of well as the benefits offered by certain materials and coatings of the latest generation.

Need more tips?
Come and see us at Tubagua in Ibiza
and we will help you choose the ideal faucet for your new bathroom.

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