Visit now Tubagua, your DIY store in Ibiza
We know that making home renovations is, for many of you, who come to our hardware store in Ibiza
hardware store in Ibiza
a rewarding task.

But, in order for it to be so, we must minimize the risks we run by taking on DIY, plumbing, electrical, etc. tasks. And to do so, it is essential to get hold of a home improvement safety kit.

What does this safety kit consist of?

A set of accessories that allows us to take appropriate safety measures and protect ourselves properly. These are some of the security solutions that you can’t miss for home home renovations:

Use these safety solutions and you will significantly reduce the risk of injury or accident.

Ensures a safer working environment for you and your family in your own home. You can purchase everything you need at
Tubagua, your hardware store of proximity in Ibiza

Make your home a safe place for your projects! Come see us and get your handyman safety kit at home: ultralight gloves, goggles, mask and a complete first aid kit. In Tubagua, your hardware store in Ibiza, we take care of your well-being while you transform your space. Let’s get to work, but safely!

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