Visit now Tubagua, your DIY store in Ibiza

As many of you know, in Tubagua we have a wide range of products for wide catalog of
and materials for do-it-yourself, hardware and construction, which can be
which can be conveniently purchased at our facilities in Ibiza.

However, sometimes it is just as important to
so important to have


and at Tubagua we know how to do it, because it will depend on it to achieve the perfect result in your next project.
We know how to do it, because it will depend on it to achieve the perfect result in your next project.

A good example of such advice is the one we provide to help you distinguish the types of drill bits distinguish the types of drill bits available on the market and how to use each of them.. Here are some examples.

Types of drill bits depending on the material to be drilled

This is the most common classification, due to its practicality. Depending on the element we want to work on, drills can be distinguished as follows:

There are many drill bit models and subtypes within each of them. So, if you don’t know which one is right for your next job, consult our team, they will know how to guide you and put at your service the right drill bit.

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